February 11, 2015

Top 5 Wednesday: Books Set in Your Region

So I'm from Michigan, but nothing good ever happens in Michigan, so I'm going to post the Top 5 books set in the Midwest in no particular order.

[P.S. Sorry for not posting a lot  lately. I had exams and I'm in the processing of finishing stuff up for my applications and financial aid for colleges so I've been making a lot of life altering decisions.]

5. Divergent
Chicago. Enough said.

4. The Fault in Our Stars
Indianapolis is a pretty banging city.

3. Little House on the Prairie
Farming. That is the midwest summed up.

I can't think of any more of the top of my head XD

Sorry for the crappy Top 5 Wednesday. I finished the "Shatter Me" series and I am working on finishing the "Covenant" series so a bunch of reviews are on the way.

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